Music is my Boyfriend
I've been listening to music a lot lately thanks to having Spotify available to me at work and in the car. I mean, I've always been particularly in love with music in general, but I've been really immersed in my own world recently. It's awesome! Although I haven't taken the plunge and paid for the premium service, I've definitely gotten my money's worth out of the free service. I've hear so many new artists, cool covers and old standards that I've been thinking about for years but haven't taken the time to search and listen previously. Although I consider myself pretty, "with it," I have missed the boat on so many different artists both new and old. I'm having a total blast discovering and rediscovering artists' work.
I joined this amazing record club called Vinyl Me, Please. Every month you get a record that they select because it's particularly awesome (in June we got Hot Chip...which was awesome because I really dig Hot Chip), along with artwork, a drink recipe and the digital download of the album. For another small fee, you can also get another album sent to you along with your purchase. I saw that Twerps were available. I had never listened, but found several selections on YouTube. After a few tracks, I knew I had to have this album! I got it yesterday and I'm really glad that I took a chance on this band. They're Australian, but maybe they'll make their way to Pittsburgh someday!
Beck can do no wrong, I swear it. You know it, I know it and Kanye West knows it. This just dropped yesterday and I'm already going to listen to it until the cows come home. Since I first bought, "Odelay," with my birthday money and played it on my Discman, I've always been eager for whatever Beck could dream up.
I know nothing about Aloe Blacc, except that when I first heard him, I was sure that this was this generation's answer to Soul. He's amazing...and let's be honest...super good-looking to boot. I've been working on a Soul playlist on Spotify, and of course it's going to feature this fantastic song.
It's interesting to listen to all of this new music when, for so many years, I was solely listening to things of eras that had gone by. I feel renewed and hopeful that not only will I continue to find things that move me, but that I won't be one of those middle-aged people that constantly bitch about great things used to be honest. Things are great now...if you look in the right places and don't give up.
I never really gave Lyle Lovett a chance. I think that I was a little young when he first emerged on the scene, married Julia Roberts after a three-week courtship and caused a sensation because he didn't look like a typical heartthrob. Now that I've started to listen to his music, I'm really blown away with his sound. Of course, I'm picking probably one of his more famous songs, but I really love it. I know a couple that chose this song as their first dance/wedding song, and I think that it's a particularly great choice!
I joined this amazing record club called Vinyl Me, Please. Every month you get a record that they select because it's particularly awesome (in June we got Hot Chip...which was awesome because I really dig Hot Chip), along with artwork, a drink recipe and the digital download of the album. For another small fee, you can also get another album sent to you along with your purchase. I saw that Twerps were available. I had never listened, but found several selections on YouTube. After a few tracks, I knew I had to have this album! I got it yesterday and I'm really glad that I took a chance on this band. They're Australian, but maybe they'll make their way to Pittsburgh someday!
Every Tuesday Spotify comes out with a list of new music that I've usually never heard. I found Sundara Karma through that list and I absolutely love them. These guys are particularly young, which makes me feel better about where music is going. That just maybe Iggy Azalea isn't going to be the voice of a generation. Although this generation gets a lot of flack for not listening to whole albums because of things like Spotify and iTunes, I think that the accessibility to music that we never had at a young age is so amazing. I remember only know what was on the radio and young people now have so much opportunity to make choices for themselves, rather than having record companies throw their money around and make choices for them.
Beck can do no wrong, I swear it. You know it, I know it and Kanye West knows it. This just dropped yesterday and I'm already going to listen to it until the cows come home. Since I first bought, "Odelay," with my birthday money and played it on my Discman, I've always been eager for whatever Beck could dream up.
It's interesting to listen to all of this new music when, for so many years, I was solely listening to things of eras that had gone by. I feel renewed and hopeful that not only will I continue to find things that move me, but that I won't be one of those middle-aged people that constantly bitch about great things used to be honest. Things are great now...if you look in the right places and don't give up.
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