Energy Shake
I'm pretty effing poor right now. Between the retreat last weekend, the cat's untimely and expensive trip to the vet, being too kind to people and the basic things in life that you have to pay for, I find myself in a situation where I'm going to have to be really careful about money. Like, don't go anywhere out of your way home from work because you have to make that half-tank of gas in your car last until Friday...kind of poor. (Don't ask me if I'm regretting the aforementioned African Black Soap, though, because I'm not.) I was in bed last night kind of feeling sorry for myself about this situation and two particular things popped into my mind.
First, my therapist dropped this bomb on me when I was whining about life not being fair.
Energy is a profound influence on people that I think they barely understand, but should really consider. We're all made of it, right?
First, my therapist dropped this bomb on me when I was whining about life not being fair.
Life's Not Fair, but it's Still Good.
So today I look up a snappy picture for the blog to go with this quote and the internet attributes this quote to Regina Brett. I look her up and her latest book slaps me in the face. Released in April, "God Is Always Hiring: 50 Lessons for Finding Fulfilling Work," has come to me like a lightning bolt and this seems far more than a coincidence to me. I'm going to take a few of the pennies in my bank account and order this book. I'll let you know how it works out! I'm a little overwhelmed by this serendipity.
Second, a really lovely Shamanic Priestess said this to me this past weekend in response to a negative behavior that I was having trouble with.
How does this Serve You?
Clearly, I was meant to hear those two things at the exact moment that I did, because both have stuck with me and have become a huge part of my paradigm in a relatively short period of time. While I was still laying in bed all teary-eyed and angry about this rough patch, I sudden felt completely renewed by these two mantras and in turn, by my own ability to transform my negative energy and get some rest.
Energy is a profound influence on people that I think they barely understand, but should really consider. We're all made of it, right?
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