The Underdogs that Don't Win the Game

In the last few months, I have been faced with multiple instances where the archetype of rising above your circumstances and creating a great life despite your challenges has been presented and championed as the archetype that we should all emulate when the whole world seems against you. That, in fact, anything less than complete victory in the face of undaunted adversity is considered to be a complete failure of a lazy and incompetent soul. It's dramatic language, but so is the story of the underdog. I wrote previously about that appointment with my nice doctor and how he asked me about why and how I do the things that I do. I think that I am so genuinely shocked that someone besides my therapist would be interested in what goes in my head and life that I latched onto that and probably said way more than I anticipated. It's as if he was the old and wise senior and I was the stunted and repressed freshman that completely lost my mind that someone so "cool," would wa...