Ghost Whisperer
I am wondering why really awesome serendipitous things don't happen more often. Things like finding a winning lottery ticket discarded in the street or actually finding the celebrities that were rumored to be in Ketchikan when I was there in 2009, instead of stalking the docks in hopes of seeing a greasy Johnny Depp sunning himself in the unseasonably warm Alaskan sun. The next piece of Beck's book is talking about intuition. People that she met that just seemed to trust their gut feelings, running with them and finding immense success in those hunches. About how to hone your intuition and test your psychic abilities. Many critical reviews of this book found this part to be out of place in a book that talks about practical ways of finding a destiny, but the idea is to trust the body, mind and spirit. When something doesn't "smell" right, a body cries out in its own way, the mind will give hints and intuition, however small, probably knows it. Basically, giving ...